New Committee member
Nov 6th, 2019
The Committee welcomes Tony Hannan as a new Committee member. Over the last 30 years Tony has worked across many artforms, mostly in community art, often in professional performance and almost always in non traditional outdoor spaces.
New Committee members
April 24, 2019
The Committee welcomes Jill Francis and John Hayward as new Committee members. Jill has a medical research and 20 year legal background, and is active in the Adelaide Hills community. She is a volunteer at The Cedars and is very familiar with the Heysen Sculpture Biennial. John has been a practicing artist since the early 1990s, and is a long-time HSB exhibitor both in his own right and in partnership with Ian Hamilton as the Bower Tower Project. See About the Committee for more details.
Education Resource online
April 26, 2019
The Education Resource for the 2019 HSB is online and freely downloadable. This .pdf document was professionally written by Mark Fischer, edited by Ann Noble, and designed by Steve Balmer. It was funded by a generous grant from the Gordon Darling Foundation. The resource is aimed at years 11 and 12 visual artist students and teachers, and follows the South Australian Certificate of Education curriculum. It features 8 of the 25 artists participating in the 2019 HSB, selected to represent a range of artistic practices and stages of artistic careers. Click here for access to the download page.
2019 HSB opens
February 24, 2019
Today the 2019 HSB was officially opened by Dr Lisa Slade, Assistant Director, Artistic Programs, Art Gallery of South Australia. This is the 9th HSB exhibition and this year shows 22 sculptures by 25 artists and artist teams, including two international artists. Karl Chilcott is from Sweden, and Geraldo Zamproni is from Brazil. The 2019 HSB runs until Tuesday April 30, 2019.
We thank our sponsors, the Committee, and volunteers who made the opening event run so smoothly for nearly 500 visitors to The Cedars for the opening.
Adelaide University/Heysen Sculpture Biennial Symposium
February 22, 2019
Today the University of Adelaide Collections Department and HSB Inc. Committee successfully staged the first of what we hope are many symposia related to the Heysen Sculpture Biennial. 100 people attended the full day event staged at Urrbrae House, on the Waite Campus of the University of Adelaide. A diverse group of speakers addressed the 2019 HSB theme, 'Dwelling: shelter, thinking, being'. The Committee thanks Mirna Heruc, Anna Rivett, Lynette Zeitz from the University, and the volunteers at Urrbrae House for making the event such a success.
Rick Clise announces retirement
December 21, 2018
Rick has chaired the Heysen Sculpture Biennial Inc. Committee since 2012 and announced that he will be retiring from the Committee at the conclusion of the 2019 HSB. Below is Rick's farewell note, as included in the printed catalogue for the 2019 HSB:
It’s been an honour to be involved with the Heysen Sculpture Biennial, initially as an exhibitor in 2012, and then joining the Committee that same year as Chairperson.
It takes a hardworking, creative committee to plan and execute an exhibition such as the HSB which shows innovative contemporary sculpture in the stunning natural setting at The Cedars in the Adelaide Hills. Since its inception, the volunteer Committee members have included Alison Brown, Penny Choate, Ian Hamilton, Catherine Hewitt, the late Pamela Kouwenhoven, Max Lyle, Robin McLaughlin, Peter Syndicas, Nicholas Uhlmann, Sally Wickes, and Paula York; and the current members are Allan Campbell, David Kerr, Isobel Redmond, Dr Nigel Steele Scott, Clancy Warner, and me. I greatly appreciate the dedication and contribution of all the Committee members, past and present. Allan Campbell deserves a special mention as he has been on the Committee longer than any of the rest of us and is also Curator of The Cedars.
We look forward to welcoming a new Chairperson in 2019 to guide the Heysen Sculpture Biennial to its next phase.
The Heysen Sculpture Biennial has grown in importance in the Australian Contemporary Art calendar and also organisationally, becoming an Incorporated Association in 2014, then in 2018 being listed on the Department of Arts and Communications’ Register of Cultural Organisations and the ATO’s Deductible Gift Recipient list, allowing people to make tax deductible donations to HSB Inc. ‘Firsts’ for us realised in the 2019 HSB include a Gordon Darling Foundation grant funding the creation of an on-line downloadable Education Resource for high school Visual Arts students and teachers; engaging the multi-talented Stephanie Radok as Curator of the 2019 HSB funded by a Beerenberg Foundation grant; a small sculpture exhibition in the Nora Heysen studio co-incident with the outdoor exhibition; a collaborative Symposium with the University of Adelaide; and lastly, two international artists join 25 South Australian artists exhibiting in this year’s HSB.
Without the commitment of the artists, and the valuable financial, intellectual, and in-kind sponsorship provided by the Hans Heysen Foundation and our generous sponsors and donors, we could not stage the HSB exhibitions.
Committee changes
December 20, 2018
Long term HSB Inc Committee member, arts educator, and sculptor Max Lyle has resigned from the Committee due to personal reasons. Max will be missed by the Committee for the experience and insights that he brought to the discussions and planning. We wish Max all the very best and hope he's able to participate in the opening and other 2019 HSB events.
Rick Clise is taking medical leave from his role as Chairperson of the Committee, and Isobel Redmond is acting as the Coordinator of the Committee while Rick is away. Rick expects to continue to contribute in the 'back office' of the Committee, managing the website and social media contacts. Rick hopes to be back on deck by the middle of 2019.
Change of visitor hours to 2019 HSB
November 26, 2018
During the 2019 HSB exhibition the Adelaide Festival of Arts is staging a production at The Cedars using the residence, the Heysen studio and the grounds, imposing changes to the public opening hours during the Heysen Sculpture Biennial exhibiton. Unfortunately, the Committee had no advance warning of these restrictions. We apologise for this unusual situation that is out of our control.
2019 HSB Exhibition hours
From 26 February - 16 March 2019:
Tuesdays - Saturdays 10am - 1pm / Sundays 10am - 4:30pm
From 17 March - 30 April 2019:
Tuesdays - Sundays 10am - 4:30pm (normal access hours)
Making tax-free donations to HSB Inc - ROCO and DGR status
August 29, 2018
The Committee is thrilled to announce that our application for inclusion in the Department of Communications and the Arts Register of Cultural Organisations (ROCO) has been approved, and that the Australian Taxation Office has approved donations to the Heysen Sculpture Biennial Inc as tax-deductible for Australian tax payers. As we have tax-deductible gift recipient status in our own right we are no longer using the Australian Cultural Fund to receive donations and we thank them whole-heartedly for their support of HSB Inc.
To donate online click here.
HSB Inc receives Gordon Darling Foundation grant
August 5, 2018
Through the generous support of the Gordon Darling Foundation the 2019 HSB will feature an on-line, downloadable education resource. This 10 page, double-sided A4 .pdf document is aimed at high school teachers and students of Visual Arts curriculum. It will be available to download from our website closer to the exhibition opening date.
Making Tax-free donations to HSB Inc
August 1, 2018
Tax-free donations to the Heysen Sculpture Biennial Inc. can now be made through the Australian Cultural Fund. The Australian Cultural Fund issues the receipts and passed the donation (in full) to the Heysen Sculpture Biennial Inc. Click here to donate by credit card or PayPal.
If you would prefer to make a donation by cheque please contact our Treasurer, Nigel Steele Scott, who can post or email you the relevant form. E:
Your donation will be very gratefully appreciated.
2019 HSB Artists named
August 1, 2018
Following a thorough review by Curator Stephanie Radok, and unanimous endorsement by the HSB Inc Committee, the following artists and artist teams have been selected for the 2019 HSB exhibition:
David ATKINS, Karl CHILCOTT (Sweden), Quentin GORE, Ian HAMILTON & John HAYWARD, Greg JOHNS, Rebecca LLOYD, Stephen LLOYD, Philip McGILLIVRAY-TORY, Karl MEYER, Astra PARKER, Ron ROWE, MaryAnn SANTIN, Deborah SLEEMAN, Jojo SPOOK, Evette SUNSET, Peter SYNDICAS, Tim THOMSON & David JONES, Westley TULLY, Nicholas UHLMANN, Clancy WARNER & Elizabeth CLOSE, Lorry WEDDING-MARCHIORO, Geraldo ZAMPRONI (Brazil)
2019 HSB Call to Artists is closed
June 30, 2018
We received 45 submissions for the 2018 HSB. Most are from South Australia, 2 from New South Wales, 1 from Victoria, and 2 from overseas. Curator Stephanie Radok will be reviewing all submissions to finalise the exhibition works, and will email the artists at the end of July.
Committee changes
June 28, 2018
At today's Committee meeting Nick Uhlmann announced his resignation from the Committee after serving as our Acting Treasurer since late 2017. We thank Nick for his contributions to the Committee and his valued and considered thoughts to the process of planning the 2019 HSB. Nick has been a regular exhibitor to the HSB and we look forward to keeping in touch with him.
At the same meeting the Committee welcomed Isobel Redmond as our newest member. Isobel retired from South Australia state politics in March 2018 after a distinguished career as the Member for Heysen, and as Deputy Leader of the Opposition, then Leader of the Opposition. Isobel was Shadow Minister for the Arts along with holding many other shadow ministries. Before her parliamentary career Isobel ran a successful legal practice in South Australia.
New 2019 HSB Opening Event sponsors
May 1, 2018
Local businesses Prancing Pony Brewery and Hahndorf Hill Winery are new sponsors for the 2019 HSB opening event on Sunday 24 February. Visit them and try their products - you won't be disappointed!
2019 HSB dates
May 1, 2018
The exhibition opens in the afternoon on Sunday 24 February at the Cedars and runs until 30 April 2019. The Cedars is open Tuesday through Sunday with a small admission charge. Admission is free on the opening event.
2019 HSB Call to Artists opens
May 1, 2018
The Call to Artists registration for 2019 HSB is now open. Artists at any stage of their career are invited to register their submission. 2019 HSB is open to all forms of sculpture and installation, and new works are especially welcome. Registration is open until 30 June. Notification will be sent by 31 July, with installation in early January 2019. Artists click here to register.
Curator engaged for 2019 HSB
April 24, 2018
For the first time since the HSB started in 2000 the HSB will have a curator. Adelaide artist, writer, art critic and curator Stephanie Radok has been engaged by the Committee as the inaugural curator. Stephanie brings 30 years of experience of exhibitions local and international, to this exciting role. Generous support from the Beerenberg Foundation supports Stephanie's engagement as the 2019 HSB Curator.
2019 HSB transportation and crane services sponsors
April 16, 2018
New 2019 HSB sponsors Northline and Mount Barker Crane Hire/Halls Cranes are generously supporting the exhibition. Northline Transport is providing heavily discounted freight services and a nominated point of contact for artists requiring transport of large works to and from The Cedars. Mount Barker Crane Hire is providing free crane services for one day during the installation period and one day for de-installation after the close of the exhibition.
2019 HSB Adelaide University Symposium
April 4, 2018
The Committee is working with the Collections Department of The University of Adelaide to develop and stage a co-branded Symposium around the theme of the 2019 HSB. It's expected this Symposium would be staged on the Friday before 2019 HSB opening at Urrbrae House just south of the city. More details will be shared as they are released. To keep abreast of this and other HSB news join our MailChimp mailing list. Click here to join.
Heysen Sculpture Biennial Inc Committee changes
March 1, 2018
The Committee welcomes the experience that Dr Nigel Steele Scott brings in joining the Committee. Nigel has had a scientific background in molecular genetics, and was one of the founders with his late wife Chris, and was the Treasurer of, the Adelaide Hills International Sculpture Symposium. The AHISS resulted in 26 sculptures being created during 3 symposia, assisted with the aid of community and public donations, and those sculptures have been installed in public sites to form the Hills Sculpture Trail.
November 30, 2017
The committee announces the resignations of long-serving Committee members Paula York, Penny Choate, Robin McLaughlan, and Catherine Hewitt. Paula, Penny, Robin and Catherine brought a range of skills, valuable experiences and perspectives, and committment to the success of Heysen Sculpture Biennial, shaping the events during their tenure.
At the same meeting the Committee welcomed new Committee member, sculptor Clancy Warner. Clancy exhibited in the 2014 HSB.
Current Committee members are Allan Campbell (Public Officer), Rick Clise (Chairperson), David Kerr, Max Lyle (Acting Secretary), Nicholas Uhlmann (Acting Treasurer) and Clancy Warner.
September 28, 2017
The Committee announces that Ian Hamilton, Committee member and regular Heysen Sculpture Biennial exhibitor, has resigned from the Committee. Ian brought big picture thinking to Committee meetings and his contributions were greatly appreciated. Ian's collaborative work with John Hayward, Genially Modified Crop, was a centrepiece work with a performance element during the opening of the 2016 HSB.
March 23, 2017
The Committee welcomes new Committee member Nicholas Uhlmann. Nick is a well-respected artist and has exhibited many times at the HSB and other significant outdoor sculpture events. Nick won The Courier People's Choice Award in the 2016 HSB exhibition.